Satan Unbound

In Revelation, much is revealed about the Great Prophecy of the Last Days. One should understand that, until the Millennium occurs, a period of 1,000 years when Jesus Himself rules the Earth from Jerusalem, that Satan and his cohort are free to roam the earth to tempt us to sin. Satan and his followers, i.e. demons, spirits, fallen angels will all be shackled in chains for a thousand years and unable to tempt humans into sin.

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Thank You, Lord

Ephesians 5:20 “Always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the Name of our Lord Jesus.” (ERV).

Be thankful for everything. Good things and Bad things. Be thankful for All things. The good things are easy to be thankful for. The bad things, it’s not so easy to be thankful for. As we get older, we may have some health problems. It’s not easy, but we can learn to be thankful. God is always with us. I have Bone Marrow Cancer, or Multiple Myeloma Cancer.

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Hole Redeemed

Commentaries say Thomas was able to put his finger into Jesus’ side wound. Remember it was made by a spear while on the Cross! So, it would not be a small or shallow wound. Apparently, Jesus, though resurrected from death to life, still bore the raw newness of healed wounds.

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WWJD? “Driving”

Back in the 1990’s, “What Would Jesus Do?” became a popular slogan and it became commercialized. The slogan appeared on everything, it seems, and one could purchase wrist bracelets with W.W.J.D.? emblazoned on it. It was meant to be worn as a reminder to a believer to pray for wisdom when it was not clear as what to do. What would Jesus do about driving a car?

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Christmas, 2023

The Father has loved us so much! This show how much He loved us. We are called “Children of God”, and we really are his children. But, the people in the world don’t understand that we are God’s children because they have not known Him.

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